Here is another wedding photo from wedding stories, well you can see straight away this was a themed wedding, it took place just outside Colchester and of course the theme had a mediaeval theme to it.
I had a lot of fun that day a hundred guests all dressed in Medievil costumes for this wedding. Actually there was only three of us that was not dressed in mediaeval costumes myself, my assistant and the video guy.
As you can see in this wedding photo I managed to capture the moment where the mother looked on as the bride showed her wedding dress. The mother had just been in or having her make-up completed when the bride arrived. The expression is priceless. The photograph was lit by window light as you can possibly see, I took many photographs of the scene but I liked the photograph this wedding photograph the most as we don’t actually see the brides face, it adds mystery and intrigue.
I entered this wedding photograph in a worldwide photo competition sponsored by Nikom and Photo district news and received a placing and merit for the photograph.
The wedding was in a village just outside Colchester.